Sunday, November 21, 2010

They Call Him Bob

To the World he is known as Mugabe. Robert Mugabe. But here in Zimbabwe they call him Bob. Probably one of the most well known African leaders whose grip on power is world renowned, he has served as President since 1987.

I am traveling in northwestern Zimbabwe with Zimbabwean colleagues who have experienced their country through war, rebound and turmoil. A beautiful country with fertile soils, winding rivers and diverse landscapes. The former bread basket of Africa. We drive through rural towns and it is as if you have stepped into a history book. Lovely roads lined with jacaranda trees. Abandoned homes. A country that once flourished. Bob is committed to running again. One more go. He will win. He will use his old tactics, violence. In the small town of Vic Falls during the last election Bob got 23 votes, MDC’s Morgan Tsvangirai 3600. The final election numbers have never been released. They never will be. After the coalition government was formed with Tsvangirai, a man who has risked his life for his country, things stabilized a bit. The switch to American currency last year helped steady the country after record inflation crippled the economy. The coalition government is tenuous at best. Investors have come back to Zim in the hopes things will turn around. We all hope.