Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blending of Cultures

Nanyuki is a small town that rests in the northern shadow of Mt. Kenya. It is a spectacular blend of settlers, Samburu, and agriculturalists. The land to the north includes community land for pastoralists and large ranches mainly owned by white Kenyans, Kenyan cowboys as they are called, and foreigners. We are at the Nanyuki Sports Club, an old institution in town. The British Military is based here in Nanyuki. This is their last stop before being shipped off to Afghanistan—it provides a good desert combat training site. In the morning they are training in the fields outside the club. It’s a rich assortment of culture. The Samburu man in his red shuka, beads and tire sandals—a goat tied to a string, coming to market for sale; the agriculturalist in her colorful kanga wrapped around her waist selling produce from the slopes of Mt. Kenya; the Kenyan Cowboy driving his landrover in his short khaki shorts, button down shirt and safari boots; and the military folk in their green camo uniforms, black boots and buzz cuts. It’s the co-existence and blending of these contrasting cultures that make this town rich.