Sunday, July 11, 2010

You Know It Is A Good Holiday When…

The airstrip where you land is dirt and needs to be cleared of wildlife.

You see elephant everyday.

The only noises waking you at night are hippo, lion and hyena.

You are served fresh fruit every morning: mango, pineapple, papaya.

Coffee is delivered to your “tent” every morning. And one morning, the waiter delivering coffee waits patiently while elephants pass and then delivers the coffee.

The only traffic is giraffe in the road.

You wake at 6 am not to go to the office, but to go on a guided walk before it gets to hot.

You watch two crocodiles fight over an impala from your private veranda.

You are so remote your blackberry does not work.

Dinner is proceeded by drinks by a fire on the sandy river bank.

The only strain or stress is searching for cheetah, lion and leopard.

You are guided back to your tent every night by an elaborately dressed Maasai Warrior.

The only accident you get into is bumping into a hippo in your boat.

You fall asleep by 9.30 pm.

You watch the sunset in the middle of a massive river.

You watch elephant brush by your tent in the evening from your bed.

Now, that’s a Good Holiday.